
C'est What? Jindal drops 'Obamney' bomb

by Leslie Turk

Could this be the gaffe that does him in? Gov. Bobby Jindal is making headlines across the country, as much for his veep frontrunner status as his June 29 Freudian slip.

To be sure, the gov's stature in the GOP is rising as he travels the country delivering the Republican Party's response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, reiterating his refusal to expand Medicaid in Louisiana and says he will not establish private insurance exchanges. But he's still got some public speaking problems to overcome. On Friday - much to the delight of Democrats who have said all along that the Affordable Care Act was modeled after "Romneycare," Gov. Mitt Romney's health care overhaul in Massachusetts - he called the law's author "Obamney."

Already, International Business Times is speculating that this may be the gaffe that puts his veep aspirations on hold:

Considered one of the front-runners as Mitt Romney's possible running mate, Bobby Jindal may have to put his vice presidential aspirations on hold because of a slip of the tongue. On Friday, the Republican governor of Louisiana misspoke and referred to the president's health-care plan as "Obamneycare."

The gaffe occurred while Jindal was on a conference call with a fellow GOP governor, Bob McDonnell of Virginia. Here's the direct quote: "There's only one candidate, Gov. Romney, who's committed that he will repeal the Obamney - the Obamacare tax increase. He will repeal Obamacare as soon as he's elected. So to me, the choice going forward is very clear."

McDonnell has also been in the conversation as a possible vice presidential candidate, as noted by Politico, so it is a bit of a shame Jindal's slip happened while the two were on the phone. Voters were unable to see McDonnell as he may have grinned and even danced around the room a bit, knowing his fellow Republican might have just ceded his spot on the ticket.

Read the piece here.