
Voucher says ‘no time for politics,' plays politics

by Walter Pierce

Gov. Bobby Voucher will not attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. He is staying in Louisiana to protect us.

Gov. Bobby Voucher will not attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. He is staying in Louisiana to protect us.

At a press conference detailing the state's emergency plans, the governor stressed that now is not the time to politicize the storm, a sentiment echoed by spokesman Kyle Plotkin in The Times-Picayune: "The governor made it clear today that there is no room for partisan politics when it comes to dealing with this storm and protecting our people."

Yet at about the same time, following President Obama signing an emergency declaration authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to assist the state's response to the storm, Gov. Voucher called the federal response "very limited" and called on the feds to assume the full cost of the response, including the state's expenses.

Yet, according to The Times-Pic:

Though [Voucher] called on the federal government to shoulder the full cost of the federal, state and local efforts, he did not publicly make the same criticisms when former President George W. Bush issued a similar declaration that included a cost ceiling as Hurricane Gustav approached the state. ...The assistance offered in Obama's declaration is essentially the same as what was offered by Bush before Hurricane Gustav made landfall four years ago.

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