
La La: Has Bobby gone mad?

by Walter Pierce

La La Land brings us this column by The Daily Beast's Michelle Cottle attempting - almost futilly - to make sense of Gov. Bobby Jindal's head scratcher in Politico.

Has Bobby gone mad?

JUNE 21 The Daily Beast sure thinks so! This post by Michelle Cottle says Jindal's recent post on Politico was "bizarre, contradictory, paranoid and vaguely incoherent." And that's the nice stuff she had to say. Barking about "big boy pants" and bed-wetting requires some "tough guy swagger" that Jindal has exactly none of, she says. Cottle adds that a "veteran Republican operative" opines that Jindal has fallen under the spell of some bad advisers who are feeding him ham-fisted cliches.

Read the whole thing here.