
Top 50: Sky's the Limit

by Leslie Turk

With the outlook for the local economy as bright as it's ever been, the Top 50 rides a wave of optimism. Lafayette's economy has been on the upswing for the past three years, with the Top 50 consistently outperforming the previous year. This year is no exception, as the list is but five companies shy of perfection in achieving across-the-board increases - and three of those five companies' revenues were flat.

The outlook for deepwater drilling is the talk of the town - with many industry officials saying the region is poised for a 10-year run based on current contracts - and indicators like retail sales and home sales are continuing to break records. Retail sales through May are up 4.25 percent over 2012, and new residential sales are up 35 percent compared with the first half of last year. The Lafayette Economic Development Authority's analyses reveal that economic indicators are performing well compared to the first quarter of 2012.

Read more, including profiles of local companies that made the list, here.