
B.I. Moody College of Business hosts George Rodrigue art raffle

The B.I. Moody III College of Business is hosting an art raffle with a George Rodrigue print as the grand prize in order to benefit its new student study lounge in F.G. Mouton Hall.

“You Can’t Drown the Blues” by George Rodrigue

The B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is hosting a raffle with a George Rodrigue print as the grand prize in order to benefit its student study lounge in F.G. Mouton Hall.

According to Moody College Outreach Officer Marisa Collins, there is already a room reserved in F.G. Mouton Hall for the lounge, but the raffle proceeds will provide furniture, décor and even technology. The business student organization leaders are selling individual paper raffle tickets and have added an online option to help them raise additional funds.

Raffle ticket sales will run through Thursday, Feb. 25, for the 33” x 26” inch framed print, which is titled “You Can’t Drown the Blues.” Other prizes include a $250 UL Lafayette Bookstore gift card and a $100 Visa gift card.

Tickets are $5 each, but participants must be 18 years or older to purchase tickets. The drawing for the prizes will be held on Tuesday, March 1. Tickets are available for purchase via business student organization leaders or online at