R. Reese Fuller

Boudreauxes acquitted of dogfighting

by R. Reese Fuller

Floyd Boudreaux and his son, Guy, were acquitted of 48 counts of dogfighting yesterday. Floyd Boudreaux and his son, Guy, were acquitted of 48 counts of dogfighting yesterday. District Judge Kristian Earles acquitted the two men, citing a lack of evidence. In a piece by The Advocate today, the Boudreauxes' attorney Jason Robideaux hinted that the case might not be over, hinting at more legal action in a civil suit, particularly against the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals who euthanized more than 50 dogs after the state police seized them.
"SPCA's killing of the Boudreaux's dogs, in my opinion, was illegal,” and against the wishes of the State Police, which handed over custody of the dogs to the agency. The state trooper who investigated the case said he thought the agency would house the animals and did not know about its plans to euthanize them.

Kathryn Destreza, with the Louisiana SPCA, was called as a witness earlier Wednesday.

Destreza, who was involved in the seizure of the animals, said she did not believe any one person ordered the animals to be euthanized but rather that it had been assumed by everyone within the agency that they would be. She said state law allowed the agency to euthanize the animals.