Letters to the Editor


Congratulations and thanks to Dege Legg for writing a story that motivates us to look closer at the faces around us ("Slipping Through the Cracks," June 13). By giving a name to the faces, it is not so easy to pretend others are sub-human beings; that because we are more fortunate, we are superior. It has become customary as a society to define people by their economic circumstances rather than by the values, morals and standards they keep. We assume because someone is poor, it is because they are lazy.

Over 60 percent of the population at poverty level in this area consists of single women with children. Who doesn't know a single mother who is struggling to keep the lights on, put food on the table, and provide a safe, stable environment for her family? These women struggle to be both mother and father to their children and have a tremendous impact on family values in the coming generations.

The Kitchen Table, a nonprofit organization, recognizes the needs of these women. We have just begun sponsorship of The House of Restoration, a transitional home for women with children in crisis. We hope to provide a safe home for families while empowering the women with educational resources and options, provide life coaching, support groups and job and networking opportunities. Help us stop another portion of Lafayette from slipping through the cracks. Anyone who has a heart for this project should contact me. Thanks to The Independent for providing the residents of Lafayette with a voice.