Letters to the Editor


Over the past few months, my wife and I have become involved in the interesting happenings in Arnaudville. She and two of her friends have purchased a building in town that will eventually become an art studio and gallery. I have been trying to develop a Third Saturday Farmers' Market and Antiques sales event with the help of Betty Roy, T.J. Bergeron and other townspeople to bring more attention to the new and exciting things that are occurring in the Arnaudville area.

The new friends we have met in Arnaudville are involving themselves in the continued progress of the ideas of George Marks and his thriving Town Market enterprise. Otherwise, my wife and I know little of the politics and inner workings of the town and the parish. I mention this only to state that we have no connection or bones to pick with the powers-that-be in the Arnaudville community.

I was prompted to write this letter upon hearing of the resignation of Betty Roy from her position in the Arnaudville Chamber of Commerce. One only has to be in her presence for a short time to realize her devotion and commitment to the town and people of Arnaudville. She is a goodwill ambassador and has a hands-on personality that has already done so much good for the promotion of this area. She has also been very enthusiastic about the starting of the Third Saturday trade day mentioned above.

Only hearsay tells me of the reasons for her resignation. I will not go into those details because they have all come to me secondhand. We need to get this good lady back into the position she handles so well. I hope that somehow fences can be mended, and all can realize what an asset she is to this community.

Concerned folks should mount an effort to help resolve whatever issues exist that caused her to resign.