Boudin blab

by Wynce Nolley

The Backyard Series kicks off 2013 with its January workshop "The World of Boudin."

January's Backyard Series workshop will try to answer virtually every answer one has asked when presented with a hearty helping of one of Acadiana's signature foods, boudin.

According to a press release from the Center for Cultural and Eco-Tourism, the self-styled "Godfather of Boudin," Dr. Bob Carriker, will join traditional boudin chefs and vendors as they discuss the savory history of boudin along with the many contested ways of cooking it including rice to meat ratio, appropriate seasoning, which casing to use and much more.

CCET's free monthly workshop is open to all ages and will be held Tuesday, Jan. 8, at Vermilionvile's Performance Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. Click here for more information.