
Hashtag of the day: #SmokingCrayfish

I’m not going to send federal troops into Louisiana to arrest people for whatever you do down there, smoking crayfish.

A Colorado congressman got into a heated exchange with one of Louisiana’s village idiots in the U.S. House of Representatives — Rep. John Fleming, R, Minden — when the former, during a hearing of the House Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Industries Subcommittee (phew!), made an uninformed comment about the “negative impacts of legalizing marijuana on Colorado and its children.”

That got Rep. Jared Polis, a Democrat, irked: “I’m not going to send federal troops into Louisiana to arrest people for whatever you do down there, smoking crayfish,” Polis argued. “Want me to ban that and send federal troops down there? I bet maybe smoking crayfish ain’t good for you. What if it’s fried? Might clog your arteries, huh?”

C’est what? We’re going to assume Polis meant crawfish that are smoked the way salmon are smoked and not actually, you know, smoked like a delicious joint.

Check it out: