Mary Tutwiler

Plan your Mardi Gras run with boudin in mind

by Mary Tutwiler

If you’re thinking about a boudin run before your Mardi Gras run, (and who isn’t?) our boys in the Element have added a few new links to their boudin website. Dr. C and Coach T, aka The Linksters, recently discovered Glenn’s Mart in Vinton, and Rabideaux’s (which they gave a coveted A rating) in Iowa. Those are two western points on the chicken run map, so they should come in handy if you’re up for a country courir. As an added note, they have gone beyond boudin, and are actually a bit gaga over the great big, bone-in pork chop sandwich at a local fav, Don’s Speciality Meats in Scott. Great to have these guys do all the leg work, now all you have to do is chow down.