Letters to the Editor


After reading your article in The Independent Weekly, "No Room at The Inn" (Sept. 7), I feel compelled to write to let you know my own experience with the Ramada Inn in Lafayette.

We had a mandatory evacuation from Destrehan (St. Charles Parish) on Saturday morning. I called for reservations and got the last one. As for Mr. Norris and his staff, they could not have been nicer. The Ramada Inn was packed with people, and yet the staff was always courteous and helpful. It is difficult, I am sure, for the maids to clean a room with only two people in it. But they had to clean around sometimes 4 or 5, plus children and dogs and cats, yet never did I hear them complain. The other guests also seemed to appreciate the staff's people.

I feel so sorry for the Pape family, but I also felt for the staff of the Ramada, for it was a day and night job handling it all. I felt I should let you know from another evacuee who had a most pleasant experience at the Ramada Inn Lafayette, during a very unpleasant and harrowing time. I wish the Papes well.