
Jindal on Tony Hayward: 'idiotic'

by Nathan Stubbs

In a press conference yesterday, Louisiana's governor piled on to the most despised man in Louisian: BP CEO Tony Hayward.

In a press conference yesterday, Louisiana's governor piled on to the most despised man in Louisian: BP CEO Tony Hayward. Since making a series of overly defensive and asinine comments to the press, the British executive (who reportedly earned $4.6 million in 2009) has rapidly become the poster child of crude corporate irresponsibility. Hayward has been reamed in the press, and numerous public officials, including Congressman Charlie Melancon, have already called for his firing. Jindal took a different approach, noting: "It doesn't matter to me who the CEO of BP is because I don't have any confidence the next person's going to be any better these statements, they infuriate Louisianians. Let me just be blunt, they sound idiotic."