
Want to be a boudin taste tester?

by Elizabeth Rose

The Lab Handcrafted Coffee and Comforts is looking for boudin lab rats. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it.

The Lab is rolling out a new breakfast treat: boudin croissants. But with so many options in town, how are they to decide whose boudin to use?

That's where you come in. The River Ranch coffee shop is looking for volunteer palates - in other words, boudin lab rats. Owners Thomas and Pam Peters started with a list of 30 boudin purveyors and have narrowed it down to only 10, but they can't decide on their own. They're reaching out to their Facebook fans for help by liking the photo of boudin on their timeline.

Tomorrow, Feb. 8, they're going to randomly choose 10 people to help them test the boudin, which will happen right after Mardi Gras. We know it won't be an easy choice for the Lab rats.

Find The Lab on Facebook here.