

by Valerie Woerner

Keeping in shape with baby on board

I hesitated to mention anything about having a fit pregnancy because I'm not an expert and although I've managed to keep my weight manageable, every pregnancy is so different. The size of the belly and the scale don't necessarily tell the story of how someone has taken care of their body.

However, as I'm officially in the final few weeks before Vivi is due, I have to say, I'm feeling better than I could have ever expected at this point. And I think I owe a lot of it to trying to stay active.

This was not always the case. For about six months before pregnancy, I was in the gym a ton, trying to get the old bod in shape. Yay! Then winter came. And it was cold. Boo! And I didn't feel like leaving the house. Unfortunately for me, I got pregnant after about two months of not working out at all.

If you have gone through the dreaded first trimester, you know the two big symptoms: nausea and fatigue. I've heard people say that working out greatly helped get rid of their nausea. The only thing was, if you skip the gym for two months, a fatigued first trimester is not exactly the prime time to get back to it.

I had absolutely no energy to even think of going to the gym. I would get worn out walking to my door to meet the UPS guy. My afternoons were spent working from the couch. I know some of this is unavoidable, but oh how I wished I had known what I know now about a little exercise before pregnancy.

When the nausea wore off, I started going for walks around the lake by our apartment every morning. This did wonders for me. Just keeping my limbs loose made me feel incredible. I felt virtually like my old pre-pregnant self. Mornings were the best time of day for me. I had lots of energy and felt comfortable and not like I had my pregnancy suit on. By evenings, I'd start feeling that indigestion and slowly grew uncomfortable until it was bedtime. Still, it was progress from a miserable first trimester.

Over the last few weeks, my husband and I have been hitting the gym most evenings and it has truly transformed me. I feel better than I have all pregnancy which I was not at all expecting to feel so close to my due date. When I'm on that elliptical, I feel invincible. No aches or pains to speak of.

I've gotten used to feeling some sort of discomfort at all times so when I get to experience so much comfort, you'd think I thought I was a star athlete. (Although my training was more like 30 minutes in the gym instead of years of Olympic-level training.)
Whether the fitness will help me after Vivi is here, all signs point to doubtful. I have never actually lost weight in my entire 29 years of existence. I've only made a steady increase since high school. But, I'm just so happy to get to experience this aspect of pregnancy.
When I'd here people say "Oh, I just loved being pregnant!" I could not for the life of me understand why. I mean, some parts are amazing, but then there are the other 12 hours of the day that aren't so awesome.

I finally understand. Right now, it's all about sweet little rolls and kicks, even the strong ones are fun. Having energy to nest. Staying up chatting with my husband about all the fun changes about to happen instead of popping Tums and trying to just feel a little comfortable. Being able to not be a complete wet blanket when it comes to plans and enjoy our last month as a couple of fun-loving kids ourselves.

Every morning I wake up (after a good night's sleep!) and thank the Lord for getting to experience this. I never ever thought I'd be in the gym with a month left to go. It's definitely been a growing experience that I think God has given me to feel just a little more confident that with Him, I can do anything. Not the worst thing to feel when you are about to become a mom.