
MALLORY JUNEAU: Pick Your Battles

by Amanda Bedgood

Learning to let go

I don't necessarily believe in the whole horoscope, astrology idea but I cannot deny that I fit all of the qualities of an Aries (which my April birthday makes me) to a T. Some of these are fabulous qualities like natural leadership skills, determination and fearlessness. On the other hand, some of the other Aries-central qualities can be my downfall - especially the need to be right, paired with hard headedness.

I have struggled with some of these things in my everyday life as long as I can remember but recently I have been faced with rethinking my personality traits as a means to be a better more efficient parent.  For those of you who do not know me, I have two fabulous children who couldn't be more different. With those differences, you have two little personalities who care and will fight for very different things. With that being said, I have really had to question myself lately "Why am I fighting with my child about this?"

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if Luna wears a princess costume to daycare or if the kids request tacos for dinner three nights in a row - it's all about the big picture. I have to constantly remind myself of that on a day-to-day basis because by nature I want to control and I want everything to be perfect - to the kids, perfect doesn't matter. Having the perfect holiday card to send out or homemade organic cupcakes for the class Halloween party doesn't matter to my kiddos, what matters is that I am there, I make time for them and we have fun together building memories.

So from this control freak of a momma: let it go, let little things go and have fun. This will not only take a huge weight off your shoulders but it will also give your kids the memories and time they crave with you without the added fuss.