
Sneaux song

by Amanda Bedgood

Local mom's Royals parody

A musical mom and dad with a sense of humor, too much gumbo and a wintry mix storm are the perfect recipe for parody it seems. More than 36,000 people agree. That's how many have clicked on Melissa Stevenson's hilarious Royal's remake "Sneaux Day."

The song touches on the region's pandemonium at the wintry weather and subsequent carb loading in the form of gumbo and king cakes.

"I love the song Royals and thought it would be a great song to parody. Then, with the all the craziness going on in the grocery stores and everyone posting on Facebook that they were cooking gumbo and eating so much the lyrics just kind of came to me," Melissa says.

The Ascension music teacher and mother of one Beckett (who loves the wintry mix) has a husband with skills of the musical variety who recorded her singing over a karaoke track.

"Then he pressed all his magic buttons on the computer and made it sound good," she says of husband Cal.

And thus they spent their snow day like everyone else relaxing, carb loading, eating gumbo and playing in the mix with Beckett.

Click here to check out Melissa's rendition of Royals and here to read IND Monthly's December 2011 story "Pieces, Love and Music" about this talented family and its autism awareness efforts.