
Poll: former Gov. Edwards makes the runoff

by Leslie Turk

Silver Fox leads with 43 percent of the vote, followed by Republican Dan Claitor at 20.3 percent.

Saying it's not a traditional poll from a widely recognized source, LaPolitics published a story Friday on a poll showing former Gov. Edwin Edwards solidly in the lead with 43 percent of the vote for the 6th Congressional District seat. The Democratic ex-con's closest competition, at least at this point, is Republican state Sen. Dan Claitor with 20.3 percent.

Three years after his release from federal prison, former Gov. Edwin Edwards announced Monday that he wants back into politics, confirming months of speculation that he would run for Congress.

LaPolitics said the computerized telephone poll was conducted by Darrell Glascock, a longtime political operative in Arkansas and north Louisiana, who said the cost of the survey was covered by him and three legislative lobbyists he would not identify. "We did it more out of curiosity than anything else," he told the political news service.

Edwards, who was released from federal prison three years ago after serving eight years for corruption, is seeking the seat being vacated by Republican Bill Cassidy. Cassidy is challenging U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu.

Winning the race, however, is an entirely different story. The election is Nov. 4.

Read LaPolitics' analysis here.