
Proceed with caution

by Amanda Bedgood

How to wear fall's edgiest trends

Fall comes in like a lion with fearless style that's bold with leg baring rompers, a nod to the '90s and a hefty dose of texture. We break it down for wares that are on edge and yet wearable.

Crop Tops - The abbreviated top doesn't seem so winter weather friendly, and yet it thrives even as temps drop. While crops aren't the top choice for every shape and size they can also be worn as a topper over a svelte maxi dress or fitted long tank for a different take that's not so midriff baring. Crop top with suspender jeans from Maven Womenswear.

Fuzzy fur - Vests and jacket are getting a dimensional treatment in fabrication. Try a neutral color and pair with denim for day and little cocktail dresses at night. This soft incarnation of the fur jacket is from Hemline.

Printed Leggings - Look for prints and patterns that flatter (avoid flesh tones at all cost), and for a conservative take pair with a long black or other solid top and polished boots. This ensemble from Vanessa V. brings a vivid pop of red that's screaming for a Cajuns' game.

Winter Romper - Summertime darling rompers are getting winterized with long sleeves and fall-hued floral prints. Pair with a solid long cardi sweater and flat boots for an eclectic look. Romper and booties from Vertage.