
Mommy Guide: Top Baby Names

by Amanda Jean Harris

What’s in a name? Just ask a pregnant lady.

What’s in a name? Just ask a pregnant lady. When it comes to naming a child, most of the population falls into one of two categories: classic or original. In recent years those polar opposites of either a traditional name or a more unique name have all seemed to go vintage. What’s old is new again. And what was once trendy has become the standard.

Mom Amy Lemoine picked Ava and Olivia for their timeless vibe.

“I wanted a name that would suit them at every age,” Lemoine says.

Other parents, like yours truly, focus on finding a name that has a connection to family but seems unique (even if unusual) to some, which is how my son came to be named Wilder — my grandmother’s maiden name.

Popular culture is, however, perhaps one of the greatest influences on the Baby Name Top 100 list each year. From sitcom Friends taking the classic name Emma to the top of the charts (where it has remained for years) to the Kardashians making Mason uber popular, the celebs we watch seem to impact the names we choose. Check out our list of what the Baby Center predicts to be the top names for 2016. And head to a site like for a massive lineup of lists and advice like “if you like Emma you’ll love these names …” or the top literary-inspired names.

Top Names Predicted for 2016