Mary Tutwiler

Jindal declares state of emergency

by Mary Tutwiler

In preparation for a head-on strike by Hurricane Gustav, Governor Bobby Jindal has issued a State Declaration of Emergency . Yesterday, he sent a letter to the White House, notifying the federal government that he has activated the State Emergency Plan in accordance with the Stafford Act. By taking action in advance of a potential disaster, Jindal has put the state in line to receive federal funds and aid as needed. He wrote:

“I have determined that this incident is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and affected local governments, and that supplementary federal assistance is necessary to save lives and to protect property, public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster.”

Buses for evacuation, contra-flow evacuation routes, pet evacuation, relocation of prisoners, emergency evacuation ambulances, national guard activation, shelter plans and plans for the evacuation of New Orleans are all in readiness should the storm take aim at Louisiana.