Letters to the Editor


I've just read that Sen. Mary Landrieu has recently introduced legislation that would ban horse slaughter in the United States for human consumption. She stated, "The slaughter of horses is both cruel and inhumane, and it is our responsibility to ensure that it no longer occurs."

I only wish that Sen. Landrieu's legislation would also include human babies in the womb! This January we observe the 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the realization that over 48 million innocent human beings have been slaughtered in the womb, leaving many wounded women and their families to grieve. When will it all stop? When will our Congress pass a "Human Life Amendment" to correct the erroneous Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolten rulings of the Supreme Court?

We recently participated in "Walks for Life" both here in Lafayette and in Opelousas; on Monday we saw the obvious enthusiasm and commitment of hundreds of students from throughout the Diocese to rally for the cause of life. I salute Teurlings Catholic High School for organizing such a wonderful program in the gym since the inclement weather prevented their annual march and rally at Immaculata.

Will there be a story from our Acadiana media covering these local events? Will there be a story covering the presidential proclamation designating "National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2007"? (Visit www.whitehouse.gov and click on "proclamations" to read it in its entirety.) Will there be coverage of the hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers who traveled to Washington, D.C., to stand up for the cause of life on Jan. 22? Speaking to the National March for Life via telephone, President Bush stated in part, "As we move forward, we've all got to remember that a true culture of life cannot be built by changing laws alone. We've all got to work hard to change hearts. ... The sanctity of life is written in the hearts of all men and women. And so I say, go forth with confidence that a cause rooted in human dignity and appealing to the best instincts of our citizens cannot fail."

This generation has learned that when we cheapen life in the womb, we cheapen all life at all stages. Legalized abortion is not a loving choice for anyone. It is our responsibility to ensure that it no longer occurs.