
GEST pushes back against drilling moratorium

by Nathan Stubbs

The Gulf Economic Survival Team, formed by Lt. Gov. Scott Angelle at the request of Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to ratchet up pressure on the Obama administration to lift its moratorium on deepsea drilling. The Gulf Economic Survival Team, formed by Lt. Gov. Scott Angelle at the request of Gov. Bobby Jindal, is trying to ratchet up pressure on the Obama administration to lift its moratorium on deepsea drilling. The GEST website lists several facts highlighting the importance of the oil and gas industry to the state's economy. The Louisiana Department of Economic Development estimates that the drilling suspension will result in a loss of 3,000 to 6,000 Louisiana jobs in the first two to three weeks. GEST has been rallying support for the re-opening of deep sea drilling from across the state. More than 25 organizations, including the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, have signed on. As of yesterday, GEST's online petition, urging the President to quickly lift the moratorium, had more than 41,000 signatures.