
Tony Hayward's worst nightmare?

by Leslie Turk

New Iberia chemist and environmental activist Wilma Subra has gone international. New Iberia chemist and environmental activist Wilma Subra has gone international - on BP's home turf.

Subra was featured Sunday in the the British national daily newspaper, The Guardian, which poses the question about whether the activist grandmother is Tony Hayward's worst nightmare. "BP chief's Congress grilling could be eclipsed by a Louisiana chemist, who for 30 years has represented local people against big oil," the paper writes.

The long table at the back of Wilma Subra's office in rural Louisiana is covered with stacks of paper, several of which look in danger of sliding into a heap on the floor. There are legal briefs, chemical lab reports and government memos. But if Subra had to sum up each stack in a single phrase, it might come down to this: public good versus toxic industry.

The paperwork generated by the oil spill catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is beginning entirely to take over another whole room.

Read the story here.