
Oppo to downtown ordinances building on Facebook

by Walter Pierce

Momentum continues to build on the social networking website Facebook opposing a pair of ordinances the Lafayette City-Parish Council will vote on next week addressing.

Momentum continues to build on the social networking website Facebook opposing a pair of ordinances the Lafayette City-Parish Council will vote on next week addressing. The ordinances would ban open containers including the so-called "go cups" - plastic cups patrons transfer their beverages into before leaving the bar - and prohibit cruising, i.e., passing the same point on Jefferson Street more than twice in a two-hour period.

First it was Save the Downtown Go Cup, an identity created recently on Facebook and detailed in this week's Ind column, re. More than 200 people "like" (tantamount to being a fan of) the page.

The most recent iteration of opposition to the council's attempts to dampen the party downtown is Save the Fruit Loop, another Facebook page devoted in this case to opposing the ordinance banning cruising: The mission of Save the Fruit Loop is to ensure the long-standing tradition of Downtown Lafayette cruising. For better or worse, it's a tradition that has been around through the heart of Lafayette's good and bad times. From the not-so-distant past days of a mostly deserted Central Business District until the modern-day hustle and bustle throughout Downtown, the freedom to cruise has been an inalienable right that must be upheld for all ages/races/creeds/genders, or transgenders, as the case may be. This Consolidated Council thinks they can ban "motorists from passing the same traffic control point more than twice in a two-hour period?" Well, we'll just see about that.

Both Facebook pages are tongue-in-cheek - a recent post on the go cup page urges supporters to "call the ACLU! The Ambulatory Cup Liberty Union! Save the Downtown Go Cup is urging supporters to attend Tuesday's council meeting to voice their opposition to the measure. So far 13 people have vowed to attend.