
Charter commish grinding along

by Walter Pierce

The commission will hear Monday from Pearson Cross, a political science professor at UL.

The Lafayette Charter Commission holds the 12th meeting of its nine-month schedule Monday in the City-Parish Council auditorium. The commission has entered the deliberations phase of the process, and it seems clear now that the nine-member panel will recommend the creation of a separate council and mayor for the city of Lafayette. The commission will hear Monday from Pearson Cross, a political science professor at UL, who will give commissioners an overview of various forms of local government.

The commission is scheduled to complete its work next April, at which time it will make a recommendation regarding the Lafayette Home Rule Charter. That recommendation will go directly to a parishwide vote and will likely have a long-term effect on shape of governance in the parish.

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. and is open to the public.