Joe Stewart is new artist in residence at UL

by Anna Purdy

Lafayette native Joe Stewart is the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's Festival of the Arts 2012 Lifetime Achievement Honoree and, beginning this fall semester for one year, the artist in residence with the UL Lafayette College of the Arts.

Lafayette native Joe Stewart is the University of Louisiana at Lafayette's Festival of the Arts 2012 Lifetime Achievement Honoree and, beginning this fall semester for one year, the artist in residence with the UL Lafayette College of the Arts.

Stewart attended Cathedral Carmel High School and then UL before transferring to the drama design program at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. After graduation he went to work on Days of our Lives and from there various sitcoms, game shows, talk shows, variety shows and more. He won three Daytime Emmy Awards for his design work on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and several other awards for his work in television. Now he is back in the Hub City where it all started to teach the drama department's students. Stewart is going to work closely with the students across several majors, including architecture, dance and theatre for a production of Antonine Maillet's The Rabble, which is about Acadian life. It will be performed during the Festival of the Arts in March 2012.

Festival of the Arts is a multi-discipline celebration art and it is hosted at UL from March 22 to 30 of next year. During this festival Stewart will be honored as a Lifetime Achievement Honoree for his career in the arts. Go to this site for more information or call 482-6224.